October 4, 2024

New Name: Relevate power

Relevate Power was formed in May 2023 with one powerful mission: to produce clean affordable energy and, through this, power local communities and enhance quality of life. It was previously known as Elevate power.

The company acquires water dams in the US and restores them to create affordable, clean energy that connects back to local customers; enabling businesses to meet their requirements to go green, create local jobs, and deliver sustainable energy to communities.

The new name, Relevate Power, was created in just four weeks. To ‘relevate’ is to lift the spirit, to enhance, improve, restore character, and to elevate. This perfectly captures the company’s commitment to regeneration, renewal, and its pledge to help local communities flourish.

"Our challenge with renaming the company was that everyone loved the original name, but it wasn’t ownable. Working with naming consultants, Skriptor Zigila, we developed the new name – which is more meaningful than the original yet emotionally close to it. It successfully moves the business forward while remaining true to its DNA and purpose,” said Nick Ranger, Managing Partner at Brandpie, the agency in charge of  the full rebranding.

Every element of the brand was given careful consideration to better represent the business and to show the delicate balance and connection between nature and humanity.


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