IVER becamethe name of the merger of the IT companies Candidate and DGC. Together with theventure capital company EQT as owners, they have bought the companies SolidPark, Exeo and Ismotec, among others. With a turnover of SEK 1.5 billion andaround 900 employees in Sweden and the Nordic countries, Iver has become acentral player in the IT industry. At the start of the name project, there wasa simple goal: to find a name with the customer in focus, friendship and aburning interest in IT there was only one way to go. We usually say that abrand should not say what it is but who it is. Iver was one of the names thatwas among 600 names, but despite its simplicity, it was the name that shonestrongest with its weight. Easy to communicate, use in everyday life and toremember in the future. Short and powerful, quite simply.